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:: Volume 7 - ::
مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2016, 7 - : 41-52 Back to browse issues page
The use of design patterns in the design and production of electronic content in e-learning environment
R *Moradi * , M Mohamadi Mehr , F Nojoomi , A Khazaie
(*Corresponding Author) PhD student in Educational Technology, Center of Military Medical University EDC
Abstract:   (4403 Views)

Introduction: The development of electronic content based on one of the main challenges facing e-learning
instructional design patterns and the education system is the key to success. This study examines the position
of design patterns in the design and production of electronic content in their e-learning environment.
Methods: This article is a review article, and a library. In its edition of Internet searches using search
engines and databases including authoritative valid Magiran, Noormags, Scientific Information Database,
Science Direct, Google Scholar and a literature review published in books and scientific papers have been
Results: Based on instructional design patterns behaviorism, cognitive and constructivism in the design
and production of electronic learning environments are a few suggestions that can design courses at the
University of Medical Sciences to help the effectiveness of the quality of education. No doubt a significant role
in achieving the goals of e-learning content plays, so that the production of electronic content regardless of
special measures such as the use of instructional design patterns, endanger its success.
Discussion: Since the use of instructional design strategies and techniques in the production of electronic
content were significantly associated with learning and motivation of medical students, it is necessary
enforcement organizations and universities also designing the e-learning training and applying scientific
approaches have to be attentive.
Keywords: Model of Instructional Design, E-learning, E-content.
Full-Text [PDF 281 kb]   (11736 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: General
Received: 2016/11/2 | Accepted: 2016/11/2 | Published: 2016/11/2
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*Moradi R, Mohamadi Mehr M, Nojoomi F, Khazaie A. The use of design patterns in the design and production of electronic content in e-learning environment. مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2016; 7 :41-52
URL: http://nama.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-45-en.html

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مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما Journal of Educational Studies
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