The Collaborative Learning in the e-Learning Environments
*Maryam Falahi * , Ghodratollaeh Khalifeh , Matin Qhasemi Sameni |
(*Corresponding Author) MA. Educational Technology, Educational Technology Group, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Cellphon: 09167240829, Email: |
Abstract: (3656 Views) |
Introduction: The collaborative learning and interactive electronic-learning (e- learning) is one of the key
factors in education system success. This study examined the collaborative e-learning in the framework of
constructivism theory.
Methods: This is a review article. The databases such as Scientific Information Databases, Magiran,
Science Direct, and Google Scholar were reviewed. Also, published resources such as the books and papers
was considered.
Results: The result of review showed that e- learning could be effective in the education quality. Also,
collaborative learning have a crucial role in e-Leaning goals attachment.
Conclusion: The learning and motivation of students has a significant relationship with the interaction
and collaboration in e-learning methods. So the special attention for using scientific approaches needs from
organizations and universities who apply the e-Learning. |
Keywords: Collaborative learning, e-learning, e-learning environments. |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
General Received: 2017/09/21 | Accepted: 2017/09/21 | Published: 2017/09/21
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