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:: Volume 15 - ::
مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2020, 15 - : 9-19 Back to browse issues page
Spirituality and Talent Management in Workplace and its Relationship with Organizational Learning and Job Satisfaction of Staffs in Education in Zahedan
Sahar Mohseni , Ahmad Mirgol2* * , Hojjat Abbasnezhad
(*Corresponding Author) Faculty Member, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Zahedan Payame Noor University, Zahedan, Iran Tel: 091554355970 E-mail: mirgolahmad@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2250 Views)
Introduction: The organization is the rational coordination of a number of individuals who work
continuously to achieve a common goal or purpose through the division of duties and formation of regular
and logical relationships. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among organizational
spirituality, talent management, organizational learning and job satisfaction of administrative staffs in district
2 of Zahedan.
Methods: To conduct this research, a correlation research project was used. The statistical population of
this research was all administrative staffs of district 2 of education in Zahedan in 2018 and by census method,
97 people (total population) were considered as sample. Reliability of the main instruments for collecting
information in this research were four standard questionnaires; Shahriar Monir Qashqagh’s Organizational
Spirituality Questionnaire (α = 0.96), Phillips and Rapper’s Talent Management Questionnaire (α = 0.89),
Tabesh-Fard’s Organizational Learning Questionnaire (α = 0.90) and Davis and Weiss’s Job Satisfaction
Questionnaire (α = 0.89). After data analysis, the data were analyzed by grading, interpreted and then
analyzed by SPSS software version 23 using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression model.
Results: The results of Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a positive and significant relationship
between organizational spirituality and organizational learning (r = 0.25) with a confidence level of 99%,
as well as a positive and significant relationship between organizational spirituality and job satisfaction (r=
0,16) of staffs with a confidence level of 95% . Also, there is a relationship between talent management and
organizational learning (r = 0.9) with a confidence level of 95%. The results of regression analysis showed
that among the components of organizational spirituality, common sense with society had the ability to predict
organizational learning in a way that 0.021 of the variance in staffs’ organizational learning changes could be
explained by this component.
Conclusion: Given the positive impact of spirituality in the workplace and talent management on job
satisfaction, it is recommended that the organization focus on nurturing and consolidating the beliefs and
values of its staffs and managers, and develop a sense of excellence in their thought and attitude, albeit
Keywords: Organizational Spirituality, Talent Management, Organizational Learning, Job Satisfaction, Staff, Education
Full-Text [PDF 427 kb]   (588 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2020/03/9 | Accepted: 2020/03/9 | Published: 2020/03/9
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Mohseni S, Mirgol2* A, Abbasnezhad H. Spirituality and Talent Management in Workplace and its Relationship with Organizational Learning and Job Satisfaction of Staffs in Education in Zahedan. مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2020; 15 :9-19
URL: http://nama.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-335-en.html

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مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما Journal of Educational Studies
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