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:: Volume 12 - ::
مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2018, 12 - : 11-23 Back to browse issues page
The Study of Effective Teaching Performance of Faculty Members of Isfahan University Based on Students’ Evaluation Approach
E Jafari * , H Eslamian , M Neyestani
Full Professor, Curriculum Development, Department of Education, faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran. E-mail: jafari@edu.ui.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2161 Views)

Background and Objectives: To survey the effective teaching performance of faculty members through
student evaluation, is one of the most effective methods to understand the strengths and weaknesses of
educational performance better, which can provide a platform for improving the teaching quality of professors.
In this regard, the present study was conducted to evaluate the effective teaching performance of the faculty
members of Isfahan University based on the student’s assessment approach.
Materials and Method: This research was carried out in the first semester of the academic year 1395-96
using descriptive-analytic method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all faculty members
of Humanities from Isfahan University that 54 of them were participated in the study by available sampling
method. Each faculty member was evaluated by a number of students in their classrooms. Sample selection
of the students was based on the total list of lessons and classrooms of the participating instructors in the
study in which three classrooms from each teacher were selected by simple random sampling method and a
total of 2210 students participated in the study. Instrument of the study was a researcher-made questionnaire
designed for effective teaching and data analysis using SPSS software version 20 and frequency, percentage,
mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, analysis of variance and Tukey test were performed.
Results: The findings of this study indicate that the faculty members in effective teaching gained the
highest score to the lowest in components such as human relations (with a mean and standard deviation of
15.01 ± 2.50), personality traits (with a mean and standard deviation of 14/78 ± 3/47), classroom management
(with a mean and standard deviation of 13/71 ± 1/94), teaching (with a mean and standard deviation of 13/47
± 2/06), and evaluation (with a mean and standard deviation of 13/45 ± 3/04) and teaching design (with a
mean and standard deviation of 13.17 ± 2.49), respectively. Also, according to the standard table of utility,
the effective teaching performance of the faculty members in all was fairly favorable and by component
differentiation, in the components of teaching design, teaching, classroom management and evaluation was
relatively favorable and in the components of human relations and personality traits has been desirable.
Conclusion: Overall, the findings of the present study not only did indicate the lack of desirability of
effective teaching performance of faculty members but also the professors’ performance in the components of
teaching design, teaching, classroom management and evaluation, which represented serious weaknesses
in effective teaching performance of professors.
Keywords: Effective Teaching, Faculty Members, Evaluation, Students
Full-Text [PDF 321 kb]   (1096 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2018/11/17 | Accepted: 2018/11/17 | Published: 2018/11/17
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Jafari E, Eslamian H, Neyestani M. The Study of Effective Teaching Performance of Faculty Members of Isfahan University Based on Students’ Evaluation Approach. مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما 2018; 12 :11-23
URL: http://nama.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-286-en.html

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مجله مطالعات آموزشی نما Journal of Educational Studies
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